August 15, 2010

Christopher Hitchens

Every week I look forward to his column in Slate, but he never mentioned in it that he's got cancer. I found out this morning in this really good Roger Ebert piece and the accompanying interview with Anderson Cooper (scroll down).

This is terrible news because the world seems to be running low on people like him: a writer who tackles difficult subjects with elegance and wit; who applies his keen intellect and curiosity to moral complexities and firmly takes sides; who is unconcerned about his position in relation to popular opinion, the dictates of any party, or the good graces of the powerful. Even if I disagree with him, I seek out his opinion because I know I'll always learn something, and probably find a turn of phrase to smile at in the process.

There isn't much to smile at in this painful piece, the first account of his journey into "the sick country." He is well aware that some readers will wish him harm and suffering, but I suspect that many more of us look forward to the end of this story, when he marches back out into the land of the living again.

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